What to expect

COLLABORATE is the best way to deepen your knowledge about higher education procurement, collaborate with colleagues, and connect with higher education buyers and decision-makers from almost every South African university, TVET College and their allied institutions. Join over 300 buyers, suppliers, decision-makers and influencers over three content-packed conference and exhibition days in Cape Town, in October.

The conference runs over three days, and will include both General Plenary Sessions as well as more focussed Parallel Sessions.

There will be a comprehensive programme of keynote addresses, workshops, panel discussions and round table discussions forums.


View the programme

Inspiring Keynotes and Presentations

A comprehensive programme of high level keynotes and issue specific presentations over three days.

Collaborative workshops and panel discussions

Focussed on key issues facing the sector, the programme will include collaborative round tables and panel discussions.


Comprehensive exhibition

Expect more than 45 suppliers promoting and sharing the latest information about their products and services.


Fun, friends and food

The three day conference includes two networking dinners designed for fun and great food.